Paper on core-periphery reorganization in M/EEG multiplex brain networks during BCI training accepted in the Journal of Neural Engineering !

Our last piece deals with the combination of MEG with EEG to track brain networks reorganization during BCI training. The accepted manuscript is now published in the Journal of Neural Engineering [here](, and available in open access [here](

Glad to be awarded a BCI Society Student Award on our work on markers of BCI training based on functional connectivity !

This Student Award is based on my accepted 2020 abstract submission. I will give a presentation during the next Virtual BCI meeting, scheduled next June ! For more information regarding this work, our study is available [here](

Phase/Amplitude Synchronization of Brain Signals During Motor Imagery BCI Tasks

In the last decade, functional connectivity (FC) has been increasingly adopted based on its ability to capture statistical dependencies between multivariate brain signals. However, the role of FC in the context of brain-computer interface …

Just up on ArXiv, our latest work on brain network-based markers of BCI training !

Glad to present our last piece of work in which we combined MEG and EEG data to track brain networks reorganization during BCI training ! Preprint available [here](

Neurophysiological markers of longitudinal processes

Functional connectivity and brain network reorganization underlying longitudinal processes, mainly BCI training

Improving neural decoders

Development of methods to enhance subjets' mental state classification. They can be divided in two main approaches: the integration of multimodal information and the search for alternative features

Functional disconnection of associative cortical areas predicts performance during BCI training

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been largely developed to allow communication, control, and neurofeedback in human beings. Despite their great potential, BCIs perform inconsistently across individuals and the neural processes that enable humans …

Characterization of Mental States through Node Connectivity between Brain Signals

Discriminating mental states from brain signals is crucial for many applications in cognitive and clinical neuroscience. Most of the studies relied on the feature extraction from the activity of single brain areas, thus neglecting the potential …