machine learning

Our paper 'Neuronal avalanches in temporal lobe epilepsy as a noninvasive diagnostic tool investigating large scale brain dynamics' accepted in Scientific Reports!

Pleased to announce that our paper done in collaboration with P. Sorrentino and Gian Marco Duma has been accepted in Scientific Reports! Paper available [here](

Neuronal avalanches in temporal lobe epilepsy as a noninvasive diagnostic tool investigating large scale brain dynamics

The epilepsy diagnosis still represents a complex process, with misdiagnosis reaching 40%. We aimed at building an automatable workflow, helping the clinicians in the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We hypothesized that neuronal avalanches …

Cutting Gardens, here we go!

Truely happy to have taken part of the organization of the [CuttingGardens](, a multi-hub meeting on EEG and MEG methods! I have notably animated a session dedicated to the use of BCI with 3 insightful talks given by R. Kobler, M. Tangermann, and T. Vaughan. All the materials (and many other features!) are available in the dedicated [github page](

A machine learning approach to screen for preclinical Alzheimer's disease

Combining multimodal biomarkers could help in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We included 304 cognitively normal individuals from the INSIGHT-preAD cohort. Amyloid and neurodegeneration were assessed on 18F-florbetapir and …