Glad to be awarded a Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) 2022 Award!

This award is both based on my abstract submission and on my career path. More information coming soon!

Chapter on EEG and MEG available!

Glad to present the chapter I wrote for the Book entitled *Machine learning for brain diseases*. This chapter aims at providing an overview of the electroencephalography and the magnetoencephalography domains. A preliminary version is available [here](, and the code used to plot the figures and to propose some insights on M/EEG processing is available [here](

Hands-on tutorial on OpenViBE during the next CuttingEEG symposium !

Thrilled to announce that we will organize a workshop during 5th Symposium on cutting-edge methods for EEG research [CuttingEEG]( We will propose a hands-on tutorial on [OpenViBE](, a software plaform dedicated to BCI research. All the resources available in the dedicated [github page](

Glad to be awarded a BCI Society Best Oral presentation Award on our work on markers of BCI training based on functional connectivity !

Truly honoured to have received the #vBCI2021 best oral presentation award ! Thank you very much to the BCI Society for this award and for having put together this incredible conference ! Slides are available in the Talks section.

Talk on M/EEG data analysis during the next Cortico days !

Glad to announce that I will give a talk during the day dedicated to early-career researchers (JJC-ICON’2021) of the [Cortico days 2021]( I will present an overview of the M/EEG signals and the associated data analysis. The video and the materials of my talk are available [here]( !

Abstract accepted for oral presentation in Networks 2021 conference !

Pleased to announce that I will give a presentation during the [Networks 2021]( conference. I will present my last piece of work on the use of multilayer appproaches to elicit patterns of BCI learning. More info to come !

Paper on core-periphery reorganization in M/EEG multiplex brain networks during BCI training accepted in the Journal of Neural Engineering !

Our last piece deals with the combination of MEG with EEG to track brain networks reorganization during BCI training. The accepted manuscript is now published in the Journal of Neural Engineering [here](, and available in open access [here](

Glad to be awarded a BCI Society Student Award on our work on markers of BCI training based on functional connectivity !

This Student Award is based on my accepted 2020 abstract submission. I will give a presentation during the next Virtual BCI meeting, scheduled next June ! For more information regarding this work, our study is available [here](

Just up on ArXiv, our latest work on brain network-based markers of BCI training !

Glad to present our last piece of work in which we combined MEG and EEG data to track brain networks reorganization during BCI training ! Preprint available [here](

Neurophysiological markers of longitudinal processes

Functional connectivity and brain network reorganization underlying longitudinal processes, mainly BCI training