HappyFeat—An interactive and efficient BCI framework for clinical applications

Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) systems allow to perform actions by translating brain activity into commands. Such systems require training a classification algorithm to discriminate between mental states, using specific features from the brain …

Cutting Gardens, here we go!

Truely happy to have taken part of the organization of the [CuttingGardens](https://cuttinggardens2023.org), a multi-hub meeting on EEG and MEG methods! I have notably animated a session dedicated to the use of BCI with 3 insightful talks given by R. Kobler, M. Tangermann, and T. Vaughan. All the materials (and many other features!) are available in the dedicated [github page](https://github.com/mccorsi/CuttingGarden2023-RealTimeEEG_BCI)

PracticalMEEG 2022, here we go!

Truely happy to take part of the organization of the [PracticalMEEG](https://practicalmeeg2022.org/) workshop! I will notably co-animate a [hands-on tutorial on OpenViBE](https://github.com/Inria-NERV/BCI-OpenViBE-PracticalMEEG2022) with my colleague Arthur Desbois and I will be a tutor during the [Fieldtrip sessions](https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/workshop/practicalmeeg2022/) with Robert Oostenveld and Laure Spieser!

Just up on bioRxiv, our latest work on the use of neuronal avalanches to identify patterns of BCI performance!

Glad to present our last piece of work in collaboration with P. Sorrentino in which we used neuronal avalanches to propose alternative and robust markers to differenciate mental states! Preprint available [here](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.14.495887v1)

Chapter on EEG and MEG available!

Glad to present the chapter I wrote for the Book entitled *Machine learning for brain diseases*. This chapter aims at providing an overview of the electroencephalography and the magnetoencephalography domains. A preliminary version is available [here](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03604421), and the code used to plot the figures and to propose some insights on M/EEG processing is available [here](https://github.com/mccorsi/ML-for-Brain-Disorders_MEEG).

Paper on functional connectivity ensemble method to enhance BCI performance accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering!

Thrilled to present our last piece of work in which we combined functional connectivity estimators with Riemannian geometry via an ensemble methods to improve the classification accuracy on a large number of publicly available datasets! OA version available [here](http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03122), code paper available [here](https://www.softwareimpacts.com/article/S2665-9638(22)00019-7/fulltext) and code used available [here](https://github.com/mccorsi/FUCONE).

Just up on ArXiv, our latest work on functional connectivity ensemble method to enhance BCI performance!

Thrilled to present our last piece of work in which we combined functional connectivity estimators with Riemannian geometry via an ensemble methods to improve the classification accuracy on a large number of publicly available datasets! Preprint available [here](http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03122) and code used available [here](https://github.com/mccorsi/FUCONE).

OpenViBE, an open-source software platform for Brain-Computer Interfaces [Hands-on tutorial]

On October 6th, with Arthur Desbois, we had the pleasure to organize a workshop on OpenViBE and Brain-Computer Interfaces research during the CuttingEEG conference in the beautiful city of Aix-en-Provence! If you could not make it, all the resources are available on Github! You will have access to our slides, the OpenViBE scenarios and many more resources helping you to learn more about the BCI research by browsing the dedicated [github page](https://github.com/BCI-NET/BCI-OpenViBE-CuttingEEG2021)

Hands-on tutorial on OpenViBE during the next CuttingEEG symposium !

Thrilled to announce that we will organize a workshop during 5th Symposium on cutting-edge methods for EEG research [CuttingEEG](https://cuttingeeg2021.org). We will propose a hands-on tutorial on [OpenViBE](http://openvibe.inria.fr), a software plaform dedicated to BCI research. All the resources available in the dedicated [github page](https://github.com/BCI-NET/BCI-OpenViBE-CuttingEEG2021)

Riemannian Geometry on Connectivity for Clinical BCI

Riemannian BCI based on EEG covariance have won many data competitions and achieved very high classification results on BCI datasets. To increase the accuracy of BCI systems, we propose an approach grounded on Riemannian geometry that extends this …