Helium 4 optically-pumped magnetometers
Last updated on
Oct 5, 2024

Marie-Constance Corsi
Research scientist
My research interests include bridging the gap between biomedical engineering and neurosciences to propose new tools to improve closed-loop systems.
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Magnetocardiography measurements with $^textrm4$He vector optically pumped magnetometers at room temperature
In this paper, we present a proof of concept study which demonstrates for the first time the possibility to record magnetocardiography …
Sophie Morales, Marie-Constance Corsi, William Fourcault, François Bertrand, Gilles Cauffet, Cyril Gobbo, François Alcouffe, François Lenouvel, Matthieu Le Prado, François Berger, Gerald Vanzetto, Etienne Labyt