I am an Inria research scientist at Paris Brain Institute in the NERV Lab.
My research currently focuses on the development of tools to address the “Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) inefficiency” issue, reflected by a non-negligible portion of users who cannot control the device even after several training sessions. I essentially consider two main approaches: the search for neurophysiological markers of BCI training and the integration of multimodal data to enrich the information provided to the classifier.
I previously served as secretary general of the French academic association promoting the advances in BCI, called CORTICO, and as co-chair of the Postdocs and Students Committee of the BCI Society.
You can download my CV in pdf.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you want any additional information or if you are interested by a research collaboration!
PhD in Biomedical instrumentation, 2015
CEA-LETI (Grenoble, France)
MSc in Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences, 2015
Grenoble Alpes University
MEng in Information and Communications Technology for Health, 2012
IMT Atlantique (Brest, France)
This week, the NERV Lab moved to Austria to participate to the 9th Graz BCI Conference! It was a pleasure to attend this event with this vibrant community!
First, we organized a workshop dedicated to open-source tools for BCI. All the materials are available here: https://t.co/FdHDMJt45Y Then, two of our rising stars presented their studies during a dedicated oral session: Camilla Mannino presented her work (#18) on the use of neuronal avalanches in the context of Brain-Computer Interfaces and Tristan Venot presented his work (#31) on dynamic brain networks in motor imagery-based BCI.
A huge thank you to the organizers, in particular to Gernot Müller-Putz and his team for putting together such a great event! We go back to Paris with so many new ideas (and chocolates)! Looking forward to the 10th edition of this insightful conference! Auf wiedersehen! 🇦🇹
A guided tour of recent & innovative open-source tools helping to design and use EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). All the resources are available on Github!
Open source tools for brain signal analysis have greatly matured in recent years. In this two half-days workshop, a guided tour was proposed on the design of EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) using open-source tools. . All the resources are available on Github!
BCI-based neurofeedback (NFB) is a promising tool for counteracting neurological symptoms and informing neurorehabilitation strategies. Efforts have been made to improve BCI usability, by providing guidelines and predictors of performance. Yet, neurofeedback remains barely used in clinical settings and by patients in their daily life. In this workshop, we tackled the current challenges in clinical BCI research by identifying and discussing the key methodological and psychobiological aspects to foster its efficacy. We dealt with conceptual biases in clinical protocol designs. All the resources are available on Github!
The ecosystem of open source tools for brain signal analysis has greatly matured in recent years and has been essential in many instances of modern research. In this workshop, we showed to which extent the BCI community can benefit from open science practices. All the resources are available on Github!
On December 14th, with Arthur Desbois, we had the pleasure to organize a workshop on OpenViBE and Brain-Computer Interfaces research during the PracticalMEEG conference in Aix-en-Provence! All the resources are available on Github!
On October 6th, with Arthur Desbois, we had the pleasure to organize a workshop on OpenViBE and Brain-Computer Interfaces research during the CuttingEEG conference in the beautiful city of Aix-en-Provence! If you could not make it, all the resources are available on Github! You will have access to our slides, the OpenViBE scenarios and many more resources helping you to learn more about the BCI research by browsing the dedicated github page
Functional connectivity and brain network reorganization underlying longitudinal processes, mainly BCI training
Development of methods to enhance subjets’ mental state classification. They can be divided in two main approaches: the integration of multimodal information and the search for alternative features
Development of cryogenic-free sensors for magnetocardiography and magnetoencephalography
Introduction: automatic movement recognition is often used to support various fields such as clinical, sports, and security. To date, there is a lack of a classification feature that is both interpretable and not movement-specific, characteristics that would enhance generalization and adaptability. Previous studies on motion analysis have shown that coordination properties extracted from full-body movement using network theory can describe specific movement characteristics, making coordination a potential feature for classification. Methods: therefore, we leveraged kinematic data from 168 individuals performing 30 different movements, published in an online dataset. Using network theory, we reduced data dimensionality, obtaining a coordination matrix called the kinectome. By applying support vector machine algorithms, we compared the classification performance of the kinectome with that of principal component analysis, used as an alternative data reduction method. Results: the classification accuracy of the kinectome (0.99 ± 0.01) was significantly higher (pFDR textless 0.001) than that of PCA (0.96 ± 0.04). Moreover, unlike PCA, the kinectome demonstrated resilience to data loss, robustness to derived measures, independence from the classification algorithm, and clear interpretability of features. Discussion: our results suggest that kinnectome-based features could capture interpretable changes between movements that could pave the way to new automatic movement recognition approaches dedicated to a wide range of applications, in particular sport training and physical readaptation, and designed for non-data scientists experts.
Real-world networks typically exhibit several aspects, or layers, of interactions among their nodes. By permuting the role of the nodes and the layers, we establish a new criterion to construct the dual of a network. This approach allows to examine connectivity from either a node-centric or layer-centric viewpoint. Through rigorous analytical methods and extensive simulations, we demonstrate that nodewise and layerwise connectivity measure different but related aspects of the same system. Leveraging node-layer duality provides complementary insights, enabling a deeper comprehension of diverse networks across social science, technology and biology. Taken together, these findings reveal previously unappreciated features of complex systems and provide a fresh tool for delving into their structure and dynamics.
Automating the diagnostic process steps has been of interest for research grounds and to help manage the healthcare systems. Improved classification accuracies, provided by ever more sophisticated algorithms, were mirrored by the loss of interpretability on the criteria for achieving accuracy. In other words, the mechanisms responsible for generating the distinguishing features are typically not investigated. Furthermore, the vast majority of the classification studies focus on the classification of one disease as opposed to matched controls. While this scenario has internal validity, concerning the appropriateness toward answering scientific questions, it does not have external validity. In other words, differentiating multiple diseases at once is a classification problem closer to many real-world scenarios. In this work, we test the hypothesis that specific data features hold most of the discriminative power across multiple neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, we perform an explorative analysis to compare metrics based on different assumptions (concerning the underlying mechanisms). To test this hypothesis, we leverage a large Magnetoencephalography dataset (N=109) merging four cohorts, recorded in the same clinical setting, of patients affected by multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson s disease, and mild cognitive impairment. Our results show that it is possible to reach a balanced accuracy of 67,1% (chance level = 35%), based on a small set of (non-disease specific) features. We show that edge metrics (defined as statistical dependencies between pairs of brain signals) perform better than nodal metrics (considering region while disregarding the interactions. Moreover, phase-based metrics slightly outperform amplitude-based metrics. In conclusion, our work shows that a small set of phase-based connectivity metrics applied to MEG data successfully distinguishes across multiple neurological diseases.
The epilepsy diagnosis still represents a complex process, with misdiagnosis reaching 40%. We aimed at building an automatable workflow, helping the clinicians in the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We hypothesized that neuronal avalanches (NA) represent a feature better encapsulating the rich brain dynamics compared to classically used functional connectivity measures (Imaginary Coherence; ImCoh). We analyzed large-scale activation bursts (NA) from source estimation of resting-state electroencephalography. Using a support vector machine, we reached a classification accuracy of TLE versus controls of 0.86 ± 0.08 (SD) and an area under the curve of 0.93 ± 0.07. The use of NA features increase by around 16% the accuracy of diagnosis prediction compared to ImCoh. Classification accuracy increased with larger signal duration, reaching a plateau at 5 min of recording. To summarize, NA represents an interpretable feature for an automated epilepsy identification, being related with intrinsic neuronal timescales of pathology-relevant regions.
Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) systems allow to perform actions by translating brain activity into commands. Such systems require training a classification algorithm to discriminate between mental states, using specific features from the brain signals. This step is crucial and presents specific constraints in clinical contexts. HappyFeat is an open-source software making BCI experiments easier in such contexts: effortlessly extracting and selecting adequate features for training, in a single GUI. Novel features based on Functional Connectivity can be used, allowing graph-oriented approaches. We describe HappyFeat’s mechanisms, showing its performances in typical use cases, and showcasing how to compare different types of features.
Large-scale interactions among multiple brain regions manifest as bursts of activations called neuronal avalanches, which reconfigure according to the task at hand and, hence, might constitute natural candidates to design brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). To test this hypothesis, we used source-reconstructed magneto/electroencephalography during resting state and a motor imagery task performed within a BCI protocol. To track the probability that an avalanche would spread across any two regions, we built an avalanche transition matrix (ATM) and demonstrated that the edges whose transition probabilities significantly differed between conditions hinged selectively on premotor regions in all subjects. Furthermore, we showed that the topology of the ATMs allows task-decoding above the current gold standard. Hence, our results suggest that neuronal avalanches might capture interpretable differences between tasks that can be used to inform brain-computer interfaces.
In this chapter, we present the main characteristics of electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). More specifically, this chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the data, the way they can be acquired and analyzed. Then, we present the main features that can be extracted and their applications for brain disorders with concrete examples to illustrate them. Additional materials associated with this chapter are available in the dedicated Github repository.
Objective: Relying on the idea that functional connectivity provides important insights on the underlying dynamic of neuronal interactions, we propose a novel framework that combines functional connectivity estimators and covariance-based pipelines to improve the classification of mental states, such as motor imagery. Methods: A Riemannian classifier is trained for each estimator and an ensemble classifier combines the decisions in each feature space. A thorough assessment of the functional connectivity estimators is provided and the best performing pipeline among those tested, called FUCONE, is evaluated on different conditions and datasets. Results: Using a meta-analysis to aggregate results across datasets, FUCONE performed significantly better than all state-of-the-art methods. Conclusion: The performance gain is mostly imputable to the improved diversity of the feature spaces, increasing the robustness of the ensemble classifier with respect to the inter- and intra-subject variability. Significance: Our results offer new insights into the need to consider functional connectivity-based methods to improve the BCI performance.
Riemannian BCI based on EEG covariance have won many data competitions and achieved very high classification results on BCI datasets. To increase the accuracy of BCI systems, we propose an approach grounded on Riemannian geometry that extends this framework to functional connectivity measures. This paper describes the approach submitted to the Clinical BCI Challenge-WCCI2020 and that ranked 1st on the task 1 of the competition.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) constitute a promising tool for communication and control. However, mastering non-invasive closed-loop systems remains a learned skill that is difficult to develop for a non-negligible proportion of users. The involved learning process induces neural changes associated with a brain network reorganization that remains poorly understood. To address this inter-subject variability, we adopted a multilayer approach to integrate brain network properties from electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data resulting from a four-session BCI training program followed by a group of healthy subjects. Our method gives access to the contribution of each layer to multilayer network that tends to be equal with time. We show that regardless the chosen modality, a progressive increase in the integration of somatosensory areas in the α band was paralleled by a decrease of the integration of visual processing and working memory areas in the β band. Notably, only brain network properties in multilayer network correlated with future BCI scores in the α2 band: positively in somatosensory and decision-making related areas and negatively in associative areas. Our findings cast new light on neural processes underlying BCI training. Integrating multimodal brain network properties provides new information that correlates with behavioral performance and could be considered as a potential marker of BCI learning.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been largely developed to allow communication, control, and neurofeedback in human beings. Despite their great potential, BCIs perform inconsistently across individuals and the neural processes that enable humans to achieve good control remain poorly understood. To address this question, we performed simultaneous high-density electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings in a motor imagery-based BCI training involving a group of healthy subjects. After reconstructing the signals at the cortical level, we showed that the reinforcement of motor-related activity during the BCI skill acquisition is paralleled by a progressive disconnection of associative areas which were not directly targeted during the experiments. Notably, these network connectivity changes reflected growing automaticity associated with BCI performance and predicted future learning rate. Altogether, our findings provide new insights into the large-scale cortical organizational mechanisms underlying BCI learning, which have implications for the improvement of this technology in a broad range of real-life applications.
We adopted a fusion approach that combines features from simultaneously recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetoencephalogram (MEG) signals to improve classification performances in motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). We applied our approach to a group of 15 healthy subjects and found a significant classification performance enhancement as compared to standard single-modality approaches in the alpha and beta bands. Taken together, our findings demonstrate the advantage of considering multimodal approaches as complementary tools for improving the impact of noninvasive BCIs.